
should i let you all in?

i tend to be a very private person.
i’m not interested in letting the world know my goings on and feelings and opinions about things. but, i think, there is a place for opening up. and for me that place is here?
i’ve been thinking about writing and my writing and whether or not it’s good or relatable or interesting or funny or any of the things id really like it to be and ive come to the conclusion that if i dont share my writing, if i don’t at least put myself out there, i’ll never know if it’s any of the things i want it to be or if it’s any good at all. and it will just be something i do for myself in a masturbatory way. which is fine, i guess. but right now, for me, i want people to know what i have to say. i don’t need to be a cultural taste maker or squawking on the squawk box or any of that. but i do want my voice, in a tiny way, to be heard. even if it’s just letting my friends know a little bit more about me and how i think and what i feel. i fear it’s a form of vanity or narcissism (that word has been popping up a lot in my life lately) but really, with the internet and everyone and their mother having a tumblr (here’s mine! or a blog or a highly followed twitter (find me here:, im not highly followed fyi) what’s wrong with putting my thoughts and feelings (ugh! feelings!) out there into the collective consciousness?
i don’t know where this will go… this blog is strictly for my personal feelings. an online diary of sorts. those are fun right? anyway, i’m opening up this way because it’s comfortable and less scary than telling you all to your faces how i’m feeling. if you like what i write, i absolutely welcome comments and questions and advice. if you think this is all silly and i suck, well you are entitled to your opinion buddy.
this has been extreme stream of consciousness, but it really is kind of like jumping off a bridge for me. i hope there’s a pillow at the bottom.

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